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SouthWest StageWorks proudly presents the Tony Award winning musical In The Heights.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dressing Room Assignments

If one of our goals with In The Heights was attracting the most diverse group of performers (SW)2 has had on the Wilson stage, we have certainly succeeded…and in ways beyond merely ethnic diversity.

Among our performers we have the additional wrinkle of profound diversity in sexual orientation and gender identity, making the traditional ‘male/female’ dressing room assignments insufficient to meet our needs.

That said, the traditional assignment of dressing rooms will remain the default, though I encourage any members of the cast who are uncomfortable with their likely assignment to speak with me, and I’ll be happy to make alternate arrangements.  Respect, trust, and comfort must be the order of the day for a successful show, and know that your production team will do everything within its power to accommodate the performance team!

Keep moving forward, and keep improving…we open in two weeks!


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