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SouthWest StageWorks proudly presents the Tony Award winning musical In The Heights.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Notes – Pickup Rehearsal

-Everyone needs to be at places (James, I’m looking at you)
-great energy for a pickup…good reentry to the show

Graffiti-come a little farther onstage into the light on your first entrance
Good energy at the start
Good projection at the start
Salon Girls-chair is a bit too far down left…should it be respiked?
A couple of phasing problems (getting out synch with the pit)…listen to the instrumentalists closely…
Solid mix between the pit and the vocalists
Usnavi-good job getting the flow moving

Keep your diction up, team
Good projection ensemble!

Sonny-can you hide a little tighter behind the counter, or would exiting here be better…I can see too much Owen during the scene
Benny-keep your pacing up; oh, and you can’t notice Nina until your about her
Benny-great job working the mic and getting into the song

Vanessa-don’t go all the way up on the platform during the song…you’re out of mic range (that’s why you’ve been cutting out)
Sonny-touch base with the pit prior to tomorrow’s performance and nail down your vocal entrance at ‘good morning’…it’s been a bit sketchy
Good work!

A bit of a weird note, but the family hugs are looking forced…come on, pretend you love each other J
Kevin-good job finding your light…you can anticipate that move a little and go there before the lights change entirely
Kevin-watch going too emotional too early in the song

Good timing here…and better chair placement, ladies!
Carla-don’t rush your ‘as long as he keeps it clean’…that’s a great line!
Hannah-don’t rush the exit light

Sonny-grab the paper a little earlier…as Graffiti’s leaving
Great investment ensemble…I believed it
Fantastic energy here…wish you had an audience!

Usnavi-clarify ‘brought me one, right’…sounds like ‘bought me one’
Abuela-watch over playing the heart thing…pull it back a bit
Emilia-watch getting too far downstage…you came out of the light
Pit was a bit hot in this when the horns came in

Sonny-great energy
Benny/Mary-Benny was a little light here where Nina was fine…thoughts?
Ensemble-make the decision to leave a bit earlier on the ‘Don’t say that’s…looks a little weird after the light change
Benny-hands away from your mic, dude!
Nice song, guys!

Piragua-solid vocally, find his attitude again fully; focus !

Scene change-clear travel path…know where you’re going
Vanessa-you’re pulling the dance too far downstage right
Much better moments on Kevin’s entrance sequence, Rosarios
Usnavi/Benny-too much action during the story
Abuela/Usnavi/Vanessa-too far stage right…stay in the light
Backstage noise here? L
Great exit change

Usnavi/Benny-too far downstage on your duet; stay closer to the bar
Ensemble-slight phasing on the ‘Vanessas’
Piragua/Hannah-transition between the two songs seems too long; can we tighten it up by a few beats?
Sonny/Graffiti: too far stage right…be more center for the lighting
Ensemble-standing up too tall…stay low; and watch out for really running into each other

Benny-slightly farther upstage…you’ve come down too far :-)
Principals-really awkward entrance on your ‘Sunrise’s
Graffiti-use your line about seeing your new wall to try and get Sonny to leave his cousin alone

Great scene change
Mary/Gordon-can we try a new boom on Maggie?
Usnavi-keep your projection up
Props-can we fix the black chair that looks like it’s falling apart?

Tighten up the cues a bit once Nina and Benny come in
Camila-watch leaning over quite so much…stand up straight!

Dani-convince them to party with your slow ‘Carnaval’s…lure them in!
Ensemble-some of you are really starting to play with this…good!
Sound-lost quite a bit of the lyrics during this song…cause?
Usnavi-you got too far offstage right at the end of the transition

Ensemble-instead of turning your bodies out at the end of ‘Alabanza’, just turn your head toward the audience.

Rosarios-get out of there just a bit faster
Dani-stay tighter to the chair in this scene…stay in the shop!

Piragua-sustain your energy all the way through your exit…no dropping character

Benny-convince yourself that this relationship might work through this song…but fail; let her ‘perhaps even longer’ line start to weird him out

Sonny-a little too far stage right again…move in toward the 2-4
All-someone needs to pick up the flag in the back of the bodega…shouldn’t be there for the finale
Sm Ensemble a little more direct reentry for the bows, please

Boosters Christmas Tree Time!

Once again this year, WHS Drama and SouthWest StageWorks is partnering with the Wilson Boosters on the Christmas Tree Sale. As part of the greater Wilson HS community, students and parents volunteer to help each year with the annual Wilson Booster Christmas Tree sales at the A-Boy lot on Barbur Blvd. This is the single largest fundraiser for the Wilson Boosters allowing them to provide funding and assistance to all student groups. (SW)2 has reserved time to volunteer at the tree lot on Saturday, November 29th. Please pick a time that works for you and/or your son/daughter and sign yourselves up on Volunteer Spot by following the steps below. Your participation is crucial to the success of the fundraiser, besides being a fun community event! Here's how to sign up in 3 easy steps: 1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot: 2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot) 3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy! Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me, and I can sign you up manually.

...and now for weekend 2!

Catch the final three performances of the wildly popular In The Heights this weekend at WHS' Cosgrove Auditorium! Hundreds of seats, a fabulous show, and great music make this an amazing and accessible way to gear up for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Tickets are available at the door or online...See you there!


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Final Notes: Preview

General Notes:

Almost performance energy and timing…damn close, just jack it up that last little bit!  You’ve got the car, now drive it!

Actors-you know the lighting issues…be responsible for finding your own light

From here out you will not be getting notes from me.  My responsibility for the show now moves out front, to our audiences.  Stage Managers, Dance Captains, McFadden, Randy, Gordon, Caldwell, and Andrew will have the opportunity each night to provide feedback on the show relevant to their position, should it be necessary right at Call, so it is super-vital that everyone be on-time.  If you notice something about your show that needs fixing, bring it to one of their (or my) collective attention so it can be addressed by the proper person...don't handle it on your own unless it's a very minor thing.  In an ideal world we'd be able to offer our colleagues corrective feedback and know that it would land in the proper way, in the spirit of the best show possible and without defensiveness; that said, it's an awful lot to ask from passionate young artists.  Speak up, but in the right way!

...and now for the specific notes:

Graffiti-find your light at the start of the show
All-good energy at the start
Usnavi-stay in the bodega for ‘you must take the A train’…lighting
All-solid synching up with the pit in this one…nicely laid back; just don’t drag it too much
All-good job staying engaged
Benny/Sonny-after you push the bodega in, make sure to see people dancing and decide to join them

Nina-come all the way down before you say ‘hey’…it’s a lighting thing
Ensemble-I heard you!  Awesome!  Great work taking the notes!
Hannah-Nina’s light on the stairs should come just a little earlier
Nina-much stronger anxiety in the song tonight…thumbs up!
**-get the stair light out of the transition lights and add cyc properly

Rosarios-great banter…keep that energy level up!
Benny/Nina-good chemistry...keep your vocal energy strong!

Sonny-remember your soda bottle
**-tone down the salon light a bit for ‘it won’t be long now
Sonny-don’t jump the gun on your ‘Vanessa’
Usnavi-you can’t see what’s going on in the salon…you looked at Dani when she called ‘cono’
Usnavi-go back over your ‘oh, snap’
All-strong ending

Nina-good job pushing the uncertain energy…good dynamic
Rosarios-good energy build…good argument
Kevin-move toward the light…be like a moth to the bug zapper
**-Add Freddy to the pit list
Mary/Gordon/Nick-from the back of the house the blend was generally good…big steps forward

Nina-get in just a little farther before ‘hey ladies!’
Carla-great energy
Girls-listen to the start of the song again
Hannah-a little quick on the lights out

Mary-we gotta hear Graffiti’s spray can line…was that her or you
Benny-don’t wander into the salon on your first solo
Graffiti-if you’re gonna flip him off, do it!
Hannah-too early on the ‘check my tickets’ cue
**-fix the scaffolding lights

Usnavi-she ‘made’ him a sandwich…not ‘bought’
Abuela-got a bit too far downstage on your opening ‘calor’s
Abuela-what’s going on with those lyrics..that’s twice…
Backstage-who ran behind the cyc?
Mary/Gordon-what’s up with Maggie’s mic?
**-weird lighting coming out of paciencia y fe

**-mute the stair light at the top of the scene and cut the down stair light
Crew-what was that noise backstage
**-write up a crew list of obligations
**-write a curtain speech
**-prep the contracts, and let ‘em know about the invoices
Nick/Cast-Felt like this one started to drag
Ensemble-leave as the lights change…just a couple beats earlier if that’s when they go
Nina-don’t come so far downstage on your ‘don’t say that’s…a lighting thing
Benny-figure out where you wanna go…don’t wander.  This is much better!

Piragua-came just a bit too far onstage
Piragua-I can hear you!
Piragua-good fix

scene change-too slow again. You’re coming on too late.  The change is fast enough, but starting entirely too late
**-respike the apartment…too far stage right at the moment
actors-you know the issues with lighting…find yours!
Camila-shame him with sin verquenza…as if you can’t believe what he’s saying
All-we seriously lost the pacing here…drive it!

Guys-find your ruddy light!!!!!
Usnavi-thanks for finding an active way to fill that Vanessa dancing thing
Benny-don’t rush the Nina dialogue…listen to it again
Ensemble-nailed the Vanessas…

Actors-If you’d like you can use a cell phone
Graffiti-don’t wander too far stage right…light
Abuela-get off the step…lighting
Nina/Benny-you can be more center for your duet
Hannah-much earlier on that last cue

Benny-you can’t go into the corner at the start of Sunrise…find the light (2nd note)
Henry-you need to be farther back from your entrance…you’re casting a shadow

Graffiti-you can’t watch the salon girls walk around you, they’re outside the bodega
Graffiti/Sonny-watch wandering into the Salon during the scene
**-tone down the light for the dispatch

Scene change…I have no words.  This is getting old.
**-add cyc to abuela’s apt

Nina-wait to sit until Kevin says ‘leave my daughter alone’
Camila/Nina-can you pull your duet moments down to center?

Dani-don’t go all the way up to the l platform…stop part way up
Ensemble-great reaction to dani’s suggestion to party
**-cool the scaffold lights…can you fix the stairs?
Quinland/noreena/Julia-tighter in…it’s a lighting issue (2nd note)
Usnavi-you gotta nail that entrance…listen to the recording again.
Ensemble-listen! Look!  You got back on, but we got waaaaayyyyy off
Usnavi-that’s twice in the same song…L
Ensemble: you can collapse the scene into a dance party around Vanessa and Usnavi after they establish the dance
Usnavi-watch rushing out of applause…give us time to reward you all!


Usnavi-wonderful start to the scene
Ensemble-solid job staying on tonight

Hannah-can wait just a couple of beats longer to start the cue into this scene
Nina-you have to go in through the bodega door
**-isolate the bodega a bit more
**-what happens if I kill the balcon lights

Salon girls-good solid start…very clean
Girls-gotta commit to ‘ay, dios mio’
Girls-great finish

piragua-your strongest vocal night by far!
Piragua-work out how to handle this last note

**-dim the bodega light a bit
**-add the center stair light to vanessa’s entrance

arguably my favorite scene, guys…

sounds beautiful guys!

sonny-wait until the lights change to come out
Hannah-don’t hit the cue with the center spotlight usnavi gets ready to sing
**-mute it a bit
zoe-I teared up at the portrait…thank you.

Notes from Randy (2nd Dress)

In general, great GREAT JOB EVERYONE!

A few focus things...

Graffiti...cleaner moves, don't forget on Usnavi's store slow MATRIX MOVES

1)  more conversational in movement so it reads to back of house.
2)  feet are way to planted in place throughout the show move around with in your spaces. This doesn't mean change blocking, party in place around your place. Change up directions
3) more energy on buttons of songs in general.

1) 2nd level SR. Move on more, hidden behind wall
2) move around more at end of song...very stagnant! 
3) stronger posed on button

Paciencia Y FE
1) hopscotch needs to be cleaner, started great but got muddy in the middle
2) ladies (Cubans) wonderful, just remember a bit more aristocratic. Stiffer upper body, however sexier hips!
3) mother/ up when going from one couple to the other!
4) couple great work keep it going!
5) take the lean in bigger...missed it.

ENSEMBLE...LINES!!!!!!   Nnnnnnoooooooo lines!!!!!!!!!

1) great energy at top of number...just remember get more earthy and bend knees, stomp it!
2) Vanessa/partner...its to be more hot and heavy, way to relaxed, remember your making Usnavi jealous.
3)rhythms/vocals out of sync during last tempo change / ensemble.
4) intent in BLACKOUT was great just reminder to get lower from ensemble.

1) SL lines lines lines!!!
2) during instrumental dance break, live it up, way to subtle.
3) Usnavi/Vanessa break loose on your partnering section
4) ALL: energy up at the end of number...was a bit weak on button.

Thank you all for taking such GIANT leaps forward in the show. Great focus in general
And I truly mean that.  have fun and enjoy the experience!

Randy inclement weather day.

As the saying goes, 'hope for the best, prepare for the worst'...

As we spoke about last night, there was the possibility for inclement weather cancellation or delay today, and, sure enough, here we go with a full cancellation of school.  Here's what that means to all of us:

-there is no show tonight: we cannot host a performance if the district decides to cancel school and evening events.
-this show won't be made up: if this were an intimate setting show, and we were dealing with a limited opportunity for our friends, family, loved ones, and community, then that would be one thing; as we have literally over 1000 available seats for our audiences over 6 remaining performances, everyone who wants to will be able to see our show.
-tickets can be exchanged: anyone with tickets to tonight's performance can exchange their tickets for a future performance.  All they need to do is email me at and I will get that taken care of.
-there is no work being done on the show today...: this ain't like The Waves...we are good to go on the show except for the programming of some lights.  Don't come in!!!
-...except on your own: everyone needs to go over the show at some point today on their own.  Listen to the music, mentally run through your entrances, exits, choreography, etc.  This is no small thing!  We need to get going tomorrow as if today never happened, and we can't do that if even one person takes a full mental break and has to be brought back up to speed tomorrow.
-Rest Up!: take today as the blessing in disguise it may prove to be.  Rest, de-stress, relax, take a day to get well, etc.  We have all been working very hard, and a little R&R may be just what the doctor ordered.

We've already had an audience, and we know how they've reacted to the show.  I wish I could sum up all of the wonderful things said to me and emailed to me in the wake of our show last'd all start getting misty-eyed (and we all know that, though good and a huge leap forward in many ways, wasn't even our best work).  Take this day to recover your body, energy, and spirit.  We're gonna kick it off properly tomorrow.

Be well team!  See you tomorrow...


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Notes: 2nd Dress

**- equals stuff for me…ignore it!

Good job rolling with the demands of the evening…great work team!

Almost uniformly, I need stronger projection from my team…come strong and committed to the sung dialogue.  There’s only so much the overhead mics and head mics can do…use good technique

No running backstage…or onstage for that matter.  Safety first.  Know your travel path and plan ahead far enough in advance to make it.

There’s a difference between playful banter and disrespect.  I’m receiving a number of reports that we have cast members crossing the line with fellow ensemble members and staff.  That should never be our company.  I take this very seriously and will address it with the company today, and the individuals solo.

piragua-it’s early…you can be tired/slow it up a bit
piragua-hear her music and react
abuela-slow it up a bit physically
usnavi-what’s going on? Off on the timing on a song I don’t remember problems on before
rosarios-was more playful tonight in bodega…good work
gracie/Elisabeth-sing to each other on 2nd ‘in the heights’…everyone else isn’t singing to the audience
Vanessa-your light is upstage and left from where you did the no-nos
Salon girls-have the chair farther down and left…too close to the bodega
**-slow up the scaffolding cue at the final in the heights sequence

**-paint the stoop stair
nina-come farther down the stairs for your first ‘hey’…there’s no light up top
nina/abuela-tighten up the ‘corazon del melon’
**-slow up the entry cue into ‘breathe’
ensemble-motivate your visits to nina…why do you alternate times?
Ensemble-gotta come in stronger on your back up stuff…commit and come strong
Jenna-nailed the ‘mira, nina moment’
Nina-gotta see her anxiety drive her upstage…let her get overwhelmed by everything
**-mute the stair light when nina goes upstage
nina-‘oh god, what would my parents say’ needs to be much more fearful…
nina-don’t see abuela until you hear her say ‘nina’

sonny-if you’re going to be back there, it has to be motivated…be doing something, since some of us can see you
benny-cut closer to the podium as you come in…let’s make it like he is going to work and overhears the boss…cut out going to the bodega
benny-don’t look through Camila’s folder
nina-come in a few moments sooner, and do that ‘see him and shake your head’ thing you did tonight
mary-benny can be a little hotter
nina-don’t nod until after his final invite to stay
nina/benny-make a clean departure…take a beat after the end of the song, then leave on the light shift

sonny-you can’t sling an open soda around the stage…then we know it’s fake!
**-mute the stair light for Vanessa
dani-I absolutely love her attitude in this scene…dial this up throughout!!!
**-kill the Rosario facelight in this scene
ensemble-boys should be more right on the platform
Vanessa-you can be more stage right on the l train platform
Vanessa-feel it!
Vanessa-don’t look at the pit
Nick-pit really hot in this scene…
Vanessa-emphasize ‘abuela’ like you’re trying to fit in
Vanessa-how does she feel about being yelled at to get the drink and tape? Show me.
Usnavi-don’t hop up on the stair platform…no light there
**-get the instrumentalists contracts taken care of
all-don’t start your scene change until you hear the scene change music start

mary-nina’s mic needs to be up as soon as benny speaks
nina-take a beat before you give your instructions to the driver
**-respike the podium
camila-don’t say ‘mija’ until Benny’s gone
rosarios-know your lines…
**-eliminate the Rosario facelight from each cue
kevin-know where the light is…look around you
**-more subtle on the solo light for kevin
**-change the cyc color for all of the early cues to match the act II cues
kevin-let’s see his conviction come out in that last section

Nick-gotta pull the band back when you see/hear the lines begin onstage
Dani-it’s ‘chew-lay-tas’ for ‘chuletas’
Dani-only lean in to nina once…hightlights or eyebrows, not both
Carla-you’re rushing ‘as long as he keeps it clean’…and it’s too quiet
Dani-really think through the fact you don’t know

Hannah-wait to hit the light until after the button
Sonny-justify the old spice line…tease him
Sonny-where’s the slushee?
Usnavi-can’t call graffiti ‘man’
Boys-gotta tighten up the discovery of the lottery numbers
Nick-gotta tighten up the lead into 96k
All-much better sense of pacing throughout
Graffiti-better challenging of the boys on ‘yo, yo, yo’…own it on the first line too
Piragua-see sonny as you go through don’t just stroll past
Vanessa-really dream it, as you sing about…also back upstage on your second pass through the song
Salon girls-gotta really be envisioning what you’re getting to justify standing still at the end

Abuela-project when speaking
Abuela-justify the ‘calor’s…let her have a heart spell.  She’s really struggling
Hannah-bring the upstage light up as soon as you see ‘mama’
**-mute the platform special
Hannah-that cue for the girls center stage needs to be as sofia comes downstage
Can the whole ensemble company sing the new Yorkers section?
Sofia/Emilia-slow your actions down a bit when you
Emilia-you can’t check your costume when you’re on the platform
**-fix the special on sofia at the end of paciencia y fe

Mary-is sonny’s mic up?
Nina-hear what he says and react…it feels like you’re anticipating the lines on the steps a little bit
Mary/Gordon-what was with the mic pops during the song?
Ensemble/Benny/Nina-the Bennett park thing is a flashback now…play it as such
Benny-don’t put your hand in your pocket…it’s a passive gesture
Benny-your final ‘knew her when’ was soooo invested…make all of your lines to her encouraging her just that energized

Hannah-start the light transition a beat earlier
Piragua-great energy at times…push it and own

**-eliminate the harsh light
mary/Gordon-weird mic mix in this scene
all-a little tighter to center on this scene…we wandered to the outer edges of the space
Camila-energize that sin verguenza (for shame)…he should never have said it
All-the pacing was a little slow through here given it’s a fight…go after it
Camila-take the pastry box off stage with you

Boys-shift into the light
Daniel-you have to project!
ensemble-you’re not listening to the pit…they were right on
usnavi-the yes is as much surprised as anything else

Hannah-not bad, just work the timing
**-perk up benny and usnavi’s light
Abuela/usnavi-both on the ground, not the stoop stairs
Piragua-you can join everyone else in the mix…don’t stay down right
Nina-let him draw you all the way into the embrace

Benny-find the light as you enter…it’s farther down the platform
Piragua-just clean around your cart…and hold still during their initial duet
**-mute the upper light for ‘sunrise’
Ensemble-gotta be a slower clean up
Props-trash can needs to be at the upstage center corner of the bodega outside
Ensemble-your last al amanacer is to each other…we weren’t consistent
**-mute the bodega light a bit at 2.2

**-find a record player
Vanessa-why does she go in the bodega…let’s see her thought process
Camila-get farther onstage before you turn back
Camila-closer to Kevin in the shop

**-add cyc to the indoor scenes
**-have the glass table come on from the vom
Usnavi-don’t travel so far stage left for ‘playa rincon’
abuela-open up when singing to usnavi
usnavi-take ‘by the end of july’ to abuela then take it out
abuela-usnavi-the dance was really sweet tonight
Hannah-faster out on the light cue
Great scene change out!

Kevin-wait for her to get closer before you hit ‘get talking’
Nina-justify the sitting down…obey your father, get embarrassed, something…
All-good fight
Camila-good job staying open
Camila-strong work tonight
Kevin-end up nearer the stoop after camila moves on to nina

Gordon-how much reinforcement are we getting from the overheads
Dani-Stay on the upper platform instead of the middle section
Ensemble-lower trio (noreena, Julia, quinland, stay tighter to the curtain
Usnavi-go all the way to the top platform
Usnavi-see the Dominican flag and get it from them
Boys-don’t just hold the flag out there,
Ensemble-realize the flags are there and actively choose to do something with them
A couple of the flags need to make it to the ground level
Morgan-can we iron the flags tomorrow?
Usnavi-don’t lose it…project!
Props-lets vary the flag locations a bit so similar ones aren’t together
**-dim the stage around Kevin

usnavi-dynamite start to alabanza
mary-was nina’s mic on?

Usnavi-you can come out a bit sooner…the light cue is waiting on you and nina
Nina-just pull usnavi’s paper out of the box so you both can stand up straight
**-respike the bodega farther up and center
All-noise backstage during the song
Rosarios-don’t look at your daughter until you’re in the bodega
Kevin-make it ‘that picture is an antique’ not ‘that polaroid’
Rosarios-leave through the bodega entrance, not straight out across the stage

girls-rough start to the song.
Dani-great last line!

piragua-great send off moment…that’s what I want throughout

sonny-come farther out of the bodega
usnavi-follow him into the light
Vanessa-come down earlier
**-dim the stair light quite a bit
usnavi-I love his awkward, talks to much energy in this scene…can we bring it to the club?
Usnavi/Vanessa-great kiss tonight

benny-try and smooth out bringing the podium
benny-too far downstage to start ‘when the sun goes down’
**-slow the light on the stairs, and raise the intensity a little
benny/nina-come farther downstage for your last

graffiti and sonny-farther stage right, and into the light
Hannah-great timing on the light shift

**-add a cue to bring up the special later, and dim it
Salon girls-can’t drag the tempo that much
Vanessa-come farther into the light
Hannah-take the special light out when usnavi crosses away
**-lose the special under the victory song
did we lose vocal energy, did the pit get too hot, or did the mix get weird for usnavi’s last run?

Hannah-wait longer to bring the lights up
We’ll work the bows today…