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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Final Notes: Preview

General Notes:

Almost performance energy and timing…damn close, just jack it up that last little bit!  You’ve got the car, now drive it!

Actors-you know the lighting issues…be responsible for finding your own light

From here out you will not be getting notes from me.  My responsibility for the show now moves out front, to our audiences.  Stage Managers, Dance Captains, McFadden, Randy, Gordon, Caldwell, and Andrew will have the opportunity each night to provide feedback on the show relevant to their position, should it be necessary right at Call, so it is super-vital that everyone be on-time.  If you notice something about your show that needs fixing, bring it to one of their (or my) collective attention so it can be addressed by the proper person...don't handle it on your own unless it's a very minor thing.  In an ideal world we'd be able to offer our colleagues corrective feedback and know that it would land in the proper way, in the spirit of the best show possible and without defensiveness; that said, it's an awful lot to ask from passionate young artists.  Speak up, but in the right way!

...and now for the specific notes:

Graffiti-find your light at the start of the show
All-good energy at the start
Usnavi-stay in the bodega for ‘you must take the A train’…lighting
All-solid synching up with the pit in this one…nicely laid back; just don’t drag it too much
All-good job staying engaged
Benny/Sonny-after you push the bodega in, make sure to see people dancing and decide to join them

Nina-come all the way down before you say ‘hey’…it’s a lighting thing
Ensemble-I heard you!  Awesome!  Great work taking the notes!
Hannah-Nina’s light on the stairs should come just a little earlier
Nina-much stronger anxiety in the song tonight…thumbs up!
**-get the stair light out of the transition lights and add cyc properly

Rosarios-great banter…keep that energy level up!
Benny/Nina-good chemistry...keep your vocal energy strong!

Sonny-remember your soda bottle
**-tone down the salon light a bit for ‘it won’t be long now
Sonny-don’t jump the gun on your ‘Vanessa’
Usnavi-you can’t see what’s going on in the salon…you looked at Dani when she called ‘cono’
Usnavi-go back over your ‘oh, snap’
All-strong ending

Nina-good job pushing the uncertain energy…good dynamic
Rosarios-good energy build…good argument
Kevin-move toward the light…be like a moth to the bug zapper
**-Add Freddy to the pit list
Mary/Gordon/Nick-from the back of the house the blend was generally good…big steps forward

Nina-get in just a little farther before ‘hey ladies!’
Carla-great energy
Girls-listen to the start of the song again
Hannah-a little quick on the lights out

Mary-we gotta hear Graffiti’s spray can line…was that her or you
Benny-don’t wander into the salon on your first solo
Graffiti-if you’re gonna flip him off, do it!
Hannah-too early on the ‘check my tickets’ cue
**-fix the scaffolding lights

Usnavi-she ‘made’ him a sandwich…not ‘bought’
Abuela-got a bit too far downstage on your opening ‘calor’s
Abuela-what’s going on with those lyrics..that’s twice…
Backstage-who ran behind the cyc?
Mary/Gordon-what’s up with Maggie’s mic?
**-weird lighting coming out of paciencia y fe

**-mute the stair light at the top of the scene and cut the down stair light
Crew-what was that noise backstage
**-write up a crew list of obligations
**-write a curtain speech
**-prep the contracts, and let ‘em know about the invoices
Nick/Cast-Felt like this one started to drag
Ensemble-leave as the lights change…just a couple beats earlier if that’s when they go
Nina-don’t come so far downstage on your ‘don’t say that’s…a lighting thing
Benny-figure out where you wanna go…don’t wander.  This is much better!

Piragua-came just a bit too far onstage
Piragua-I can hear you!
Piragua-good fix

scene change-too slow again. You’re coming on too late.  The change is fast enough, but starting entirely too late
**-respike the apartment…too far stage right at the moment
actors-you know the issues with lighting…find yours!
Camila-shame him with sin verquenza…as if you can’t believe what he’s saying
All-we seriously lost the pacing here…drive it!

Guys-find your ruddy light!!!!!
Usnavi-thanks for finding an active way to fill that Vanessa dancing thing
Benny-don’t rush the Nina dialogue…listen to it again
Ensemble-nailed the Vanessas…

Actors-If you’d like you can use a cell phone
Graffiti-don’t wander too far stage right…light
Abuela-get off the step…lighting
Nina/Benny-you can be more center for your duet
Hannah-much earlier on that last cue

Benny-you can’t go into the corner at the start of Sunrise…find the light (2nd note)
Henry-you need to be farther back from your entrance…you’re casting a shadow

Graffiti-you can’t watch the salon girls walk around you, they’re outside the bodega
Graffiti/Sonny-watch wandering into the Salon during the scene
**-tone down the light for the dispatch

Scene change…I have no words.  This is getting old.
**-add cyc to abuela’s apt

Nina-wait to sit until Kevin says ‘leave my daughter alone’
Camila/Nina-can you pull your duet moments down to center?

Dani-don’t go all the way up to the l platform…stop part way up
Ensemble-great reaction to dani’s suggestion to party
**-cool the scaffold lights…can you fix the stairs?
Quinland/noreena/Julia-tighter in…it’s a lighting issue (2nd note)
Usnavi-you gotta nail that entrance…listen to the recording again.
Ensemble-listen! Look!  You got back on, but we got waaaaayyyyy off
Usnavi-that’s twice in the same song…L
Ensemble: you can collapse the scene into a dance party around Vanessa and Usnavi after they establish the dance
Usnavi-watch rushing out of applause…give us time to reward you all!


Usnavi-wonderful start to the scene
Ensemble-solid job staying on tonight

Hannah-can wait just a couple of beats longer to start the cue into this scene
Nina-you have to go in through the bodega door
**-isolate the bodega a bit more
**-what happens if I kill the balcon lights

Salon girls-good solid start…very clean
Girls-gotta commit to ‘ay, dios mio’
Girls-great finish

piragua-your strongest vocal night by far!
Piragua-work out how to handle this last note

**-dim the bodega light a bit
**-add the center stair light to vanessa’s entrance

arguably my favorite scene, guys…

sounds beautiful guys!

sonny-wait until the lights change to come out
Hannah-don’t hit the cue with the center spotlight usnavi gets ready to sing
**-mute it a bit
zoe-I teared up at the portrait…thank you.

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